Iman Kusa
Family:Unknown to her. Born in Valikaar, as a second daughter, Iman was given to the church to be raised as a priestess of Al Rah-Har. Being raised by the church, she has never known her blood relatives.
Background:Raised as a priestess Iman, was raised under the teachings of Al Rah-Har; the wisest of all of the Fallen Gods. The children of Al Rah-Har focus their beliefs on the absorption of knowledge from all sources and cultures.
Within the faith, Iman was trained as a healer and given the role of Observer. Observers are charged with the task to infuse themselves into foreign lands and learn as much as they can about their surrounding culture. They are then expected to return with new knowledge of the world that can be added to the archives. Right before she was set to make her first voyage to the north, she was commanded by her Elder Sisters to share her journey with an older woman and her granddaughter. A goblin by the name of Qoraag would round out the group before they made their trip. The elders told Iman a secret about the child that she did not believe until she saw it with her own eyes. Iman was ordered to bring the child and grandmother to Gallendale, and to let nothing stop them from reaching their destination. Before they were able to leave Valikaar their group was attacked by an orc assassin. Though Iman, Qoraag, and the child Narissa survived, the grandmother fell victim to the assassin. |